Here you will find source code and schematic for controlling LCD based on Hitachi HD44780U with Microchip PIC16 microcontrollers using only 3 I/O ports.
To achieve that we use 8-Bit Serial-Input/Parallel-Output Shift Register 74HC164.
The I/O ports used for controlling are:
- Clock
- Data
- LCD Enable
The Clock and Data ports can be shared with other peripheral devices.
The code is designed with minimum ASM instructions so to be as small as possible, especially for microcontrollers with less instruction memory.
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;****************************************************************************** ; INITLCD ;--- START HITACHI INITIALIZING SPECIFICATION FOR LCD ---- #ifndef DEBUG_SIM movlw .255 CALL WAITWMS #endif ;Wait for more than 15 ms after VCC rises to 4.5 V ;Wait for more than 40 ms after VCC rises to 2.7 V ;Set Data Serial 8bit ;B 0011 1100 movlw LCD_8BIT CALL OUT2LCD_INST CALL WAIT5MS ;Wait more then 4.1ms ;Again set Data Serial 8bit CALL LCDSTROBE ;Just enable LCD to read again same operation CALL WAIT1MS ;Wait more then 100us ;And again CALL LCDSTROBE ;Just enable LCD to read again same operation ;Set Data Serial 8bit, display 2 lines, Font to 5x10 dots ;B 0011 1100 movlw LCD_8BIT CALL OUT2LCD_INST ;Turns display off / cursor off / blinck off ;B 0000 1000 movlw LCD_DISABLE CALL OUT2LCD_INST ;Clears display and set address 0 of RAM ;B 0000 0001 movlw LCD_CLEAR CALL OUT2LCD_INST CALL WAIT2MS ;LCD_CLEAR need more wait to execute ;Set Cursor to move Increment / No shift ;B 0000 0110 movlw LCD_MODESET CALL OUT2LCD_INST ;--- END HITACHI INITIALIZING SPECIFICATION FOR LCD ---- ;Turns display on / cursor off / blinck off ;B 0000 1100 movlw LCD_ENABLE GOTO OUT2LCD_INST ;RETURN goto will return ! same as return save place ; ; end *********************************************************************** ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; OUT2LCD_INST & OUT2LCD_DATA ; --------------------------- ; ; Output character or instruction in W to LCD ; ; For all OUT2LCD_DATA we must wait 37000ns ; ; For all OUT2LCD_INST expect below we must wait 37000ns ; for RETURN_TOHOME and CLEAR_DISPLAY we must wait 1,520,000ns ; ; Corrupts: count and tmp. ;****************************************************************************** ; OUT2LCD_INST bsf _INSTLCD ;Change to instruction send GOTO POUT2LCD OUT2LCD_DATA bcf _INSTLCD ;Change from instruction to data send POUT2LCD movwf tmp movlw 008H movwf count NEXTOUT bcf OUT_LCDCLOCK GOTO $+1 bcf OUT_LCDDATA rlf tmp,F btfsc STATUS, C ;Check bit state skip if it is 0 bsf OUT_LCDDATA GOTO $+1 bsf OUT_LCDCLOCK decfsz count, F GOTO NEXTOUT ;Go to send next bit btfsc _INSTLCD ; OUT_LCDCLOCK is used for Instruction/Data switch bcf OUT_LCDCLOCK GOTO $+1 LCDSTROBE ;use this to repeat last operation again ! bsf OUT_LCDSTROBE ;enable LCD to read operation GOTO $+1 ;wait LCD to do its job bcf OUT_LCDSTROBE ;disable LCD to read operation ;--- from here LCD starts to execute operation --- ;--- so we need to wait it to finish him before next operation --- movlw OUT2LCD_DELAY_TIME ;Wait for data and instructions movwf delay1 decfsz delay1,F GOTO $-1 RETURN ; ; end *********************************************************************** ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Delay functions ; ; For 20Mhz ; 1 instruction - 200ns ; 1 call/goto instruction - 400ns ; ; For 10Mhz ; 1 instruction - 400ns ; 1 call/goto instruction - 800ns ; ; Here is formula to calculate each iterations call ; ; (767*(delay2-1) + 766) ; + 2 (call to WAITXXXLC) ; + 2 (init delay2) ; + 2 (goto delay2LOOP) ; + 2 final RETURN) ; ; 1ns = 10^-9s ; 1mcrs = 10^-6s ; 1ms = 10^-3s ; ; Names are for 20Mhz ; ; delay2 = 255 -> (iters 195592) (10Mhz 78,236,800ns) (20Mhz 39,118,400ns) ; WAIT1MS movlw .7 ;(iters 5376) (10Mhz 2,150,400ns) (20Mhz 1,075,200ns) WAITWMS movwf delay2 GOTO DELAY2LOOP WAIT2MS movlw .13 ;(iters 9978) (10Mhz 3,991,200ns) (20Mhz 1,995,600ns) movwf delay2 GOTO DELAY2LOOP WAIT5MS movlw .33 ;(iters 25318) (10Mhz 10,127,200ns) (20Mhz 5,063,600ns) movwf delay2 GOTO DELAY2LOOP DELAY2LOOP ;(767*(delay2-1) + 766) iterations (without return) #ifdef DEBUG_NODELAYS RETURN ;USE ONLY FOR DEBUG #endif movlw .255 movwf delay1 DELAY1LOOP decfsz delay1,F GOTO DELAY1LOOP decfsz delay2,F GOTO DELAY2LOOP RETURN ; ; end *********************************************************************** ; |